Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Marable’s Legacy

The funeral announcement started off simply: “Marabel Chanin, 88, of Detroit, died on 26 December 2008.” It then went on to say, “The funeral was held at Graveside on Thursday, 21 May 2009 at 2:00 PM. Rabbi Harold Loss and Cantorial Soloist Neil Michaels officiated.” Why, you might ask, was the funeral date almost five months later? After all, aren’t most Jews buried within a few days of death?

Marable was one of those people who fall through the cracks. Somehow it happens, a sad reminder of today’s busy, less personal world. She lived alone in Detroit and died alone of natural causes, the only person on her street, away from family and friends – so much so, that her body lay unclaimed in the Wayne County Morgue for months. It wasn’t until a distant relative saw a story about her on Fox 2 and put two and two together, that her passing could be properly celebrated.

And what a moving ceremony it was! Somewhat strange, but very moving. Not one person who attended actually knew Marable and most weren’t Jewish. They came out of respect for her, because they didn’t want her to be buried unheralded, without anyone caring.

Something needs to be done for all the Marabels out there, Jews and non-Jews alike. Brad Edwards from Fox 2, Phil Douma who is the executive director at the Michigan Funeral Directors Association (MFDA), and I are currently working with MFDA on an initiative to get all unclaimed bodies identified and buried. We are hoping to have funeral directors donate their time and a basic casket. Maybe that will be Marable’s legacy – to help set in motion a community effort where nobody dies alone or is buried alone. In fact, the first step is underway: a fund is being set up with donations that were given in Marabel’s honor to be used to help other individuals like her.

David Techner, Funeral Director

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